Welcome Individuality

Hey Y'all

 Doohicky Craftique

Hey y'all! Welcome to Doohicky Craftique!

 I'm Sade, owner and creator of Doohicky Craftique. I'm a quirky, southern girl who loves to craft beautiful things for beautiful people like yourself. Doohicky Craftique has southern origins, and is often used in southern culture to describe an array of things. Founded in 2014, each item is handmade and named in reminiscence of my hometown, Mobile, AL. 

Vision Statement

Doohicky Craftique brings the world creative, fabulous fashion, that empowers and inspires people to love themselves when the world pushes one dimensional beauty. 

Mission Statement

Doohicky Craftique highlights the individuality in everyone through our mostly handmade lifestyle accessories.

Doohicky Craftique offers a variety of quality handmade items our full portfolio and be social with us through our social media handle @doohicky_craftique!